An epic rivalry rekindled on a legendary night that saw the Vancouver Canucks honor the Sedin twins by retiring their numbers and raising them to the rafters.
There was a once in a lifetime kind of feeling in the air on Wednesday night in Vancouver. An epic tale of twin brothers, Daniel and Henrik Sedin came to a beautiful close at Rogers Arena when they witnessed the numbers 22 and 33 become officially retired and raised to the rafters forever. Talk about the perfect storybook ending, well deserved for the two best Canucks of all time.
The amount of appreciation and paid respects from former teammates and fans alike was overwhelmingly tremendous, but truly just a fraction of what the Sedin’s did for the City of Vancouver. They poured their hearts and souls into this city and hockey club both on and off the ice. They were truly the two most iconic top-class NHL’ers to sport the blue and green. Both equally respected by many, and it showed.
A must-see, the Canucks’ legends, and former teammates were in attendance to celebrate the successful careers of their idolized and accomplished leaders. Nobody was going to miss this one, even Ryan Kesler braved the storm and was warmly welcomed back, possibly getting the loudest cheers — a smile from ear to ear. Heartfelt speeches and great memories were shared, and it all ended with the twins getting the ultimate honor, immortality in Vancouver, a place for their name to live on forever.
The only way to polish it all off would be a victory against the twins’ arch-nemesis, the Chicago Blackhawks. They were bound to come out strong, but could the Canucks fend off the hungry hawks and give Sedin Night the perfect cherry on top? Let’s take a look at Wednesday night’s results.