As anticipated, the four jerseys that the Vancouver Canucks will wear next season have been officially released.
We all knew it was coming, we just didn’t know when. As I reported roughly two weeks ago, the designs leaked on Reddit, and was later confirmed by a reputable source. Turns out, those leaks were right. But now, we have a much better and closer look at the four jerseys that the Canucks will wear next season.
Here are the four Canucks jerseys for 2019-20, as seen on the official Vanbase website:
— David Quadrelli (@QuadrelliD) June 13, 2019
Shoutout to Kevin Sorenson on Twitter for being the first I saw to show the jerseys. Now, my thoughts on the jerseys. Right away, the flying skate jersey looks sharp. I also really like the home and away jerseys, and as we all know, getting rid of the lettering that said “Vancouver” over the logo was long overdue. These things look sharp.
That being said, I’m not a huge fan of the alternate heritage jersey, and I think it could use a little bit more white. Those green stripes just don’t do it for me when the logo is mainly white. The white stick in rink logo looks much better than I thought it would look.
The 50th-anniversary logo looks nice as well. To be quite honest, when I saw the design, I thought it was far too simple and that it wouldn’t look right on the jerseys. Finally, something we can all appreciate is that the prices seem to have come down from nearly 300 dollars as the Adidas jerseys from last year were.
Interested buyers can pre-order the heritage jersey for June 21st, and the other three, the black flying skate, the blue home jersey, and the white away jersey for September 16th. What do you think Canucks fans? Do you like the jerseys? Which will you be buying, if any? Let me know in the comments section below! I am torn between the flying skate and the main home jersey, myself.